Thursday, 1 December 2016

Pre Christmas Exhibition

A baker's dozen of selected artists, including myself working in paint, print, ceramics, collage...

We are now in our new space at The Factory.  It's on the main quadrangle, facing the clock.  There'll be plenty of signs to point you to the door and the lights will all be blazing. We hope you can make it...and bring your friends too.
Last year we were nearly washed out...come and help celebrate better times!

Find us at ARTSPACE, The Factory, Aynam Road, Kendal

Friday, Saturday and Sunday
2,3,4 December 2016

11am - 4pm

Thursday, 8 September 2016

The start of a new painting 'Glencoe'

During the start of September there have been a few rainy spells as a series of weather fronts set in over the West coast of Scotland. At this time of year the tips of the deer grass are starting to turn the mountains to the colours of Autumn. I was inspired by the photographic eye of my boyfriend Cubby to see if this view would work as a painting. I tried a couple of times to get the right conditions to make the most of this panorama. Finally in the afternoon I was rewarded by clear tops and wonderful light.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

2016 starts with a South Lakes Exhibition

"Under Loughrigg, Ambleside"

The start of the New Year has been plagued with wet weather. So why not bring a bit of cheer and light by introducing my new exhibition at Rydal Hall Tearoom. If you fancy a trip out to see some of my original paintings of South Lakes, and at the same time enjoy a coffee and cake, the opening times are:

 10am - 5pm everyday.
Exhibition runs until 29th February 2016 

Rydal Hall is situated off the main A591 between Ambleside and Grasmere.
Approaching from Ambleside, about a mile after leaving the town, take the turning right uphill, signposted ‘Rydal Hall’. The Hall is first on the right, through wrought iron gates.
Approaching from Grasmere, take the first left uphill after the Glen Rothay Hotel. The Hall is first on the right, through wrought iron gates.